
Phone Leads Gen & Validator 2024

From $149.99

This tool is made to scrape the Valid phone number leads from web sources supports multiple counties  (US, UK, CN, JP, IND )and validates the phone numbers with telecom carrier info 

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Tool Features

  • Generating Valid Phone Numbers: - It generates valid phone numbers based on the selected country code and the specified number of phone numbers.
    Country-Specific Number Generation- Enhance the script to generate phone numbers specific to the selected country code, adhering to the format and numbering plan of that country.
    Phone Number Validation:- The script validates phone numbers entered by the user, ensuring they adhere to the specified country code format.
    Dynamic Phone Number Generation: - Generates phone numbers dynamically based on the selected country code and specified criteria.
    Efficient Number Generation: - Ensures efficient generation of random phone numbers without duplication.
    Flexibility in Country Code Selection: - Supports multiple country codes (+1 for US, +44 for UK, +86 for China, +91 for India).
    Country Code Validation:- Validates the entered country code to ensure it matches one of the supported country codes.
    Carrier Information RetrievRobust Number Validation:al:- Expand the script to retrieve detailed carrier information, including the carrier's name, and geographic coverage area.
    Real-Time Carrier Lookup:- Verify the accuracy of retrieved carrier information through cross-referencing with authoritative sources or databases
    Verification of Carrier Information:- Implement real-time carrier lookup functionality to dynamically fetch carrier information for phone numbers as they are validated or generated.
    Bulk Carrier Information Lookup: -Support bulk lookup functionality to verify carrier information for multiple phone numbers simultaneously, improving efficiency for large datasets.
    Batch Processing: - Enable batch processing functionality to validate multiple phone numbers or perform actions on multiple files simultaneously.
    Database Integration:- Integrated with a database system to store and retrieve phone number information efficiently, enabling scalability and data persistence.
    Robust Number Validation:- Utilizes the smart algo for robust phone number validation, ensuring accuracy.
    Saving Validated Numbers:- The script saves validated phone numbers along with their providers to separate text files for each provider.
    Automatic Provider File Creation:- Creates separate text files for each phone number provider if they do not exist already.
    Menu Display:- The script displays a menu interface for users to select options easily.
    Progress Indicator:- Display a progress indicator or percentage completion during lengthy operations, providing feedback to the user.
    Interactive Confirmation: - Prompt users for confirmation before executing certain actions, such as saving phone numbers to files or generating numbers.
    File Output:- Provides the option to output generated phone numbers to a text file for easy access and sharing.

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